Visit us: FRUIT LOGISTICA 07. – 09.02.2024, Messe Berlin

Hall 2.1, Stand D-50

Your Specialist for Packaging

Machine growth at Solipac

We are pleased to announce that we have expanded our machine portfolio and integrated another slitting line into our production process. This was a necessary step in order to be able to meet the constantly increasing demand from our customers and to expand our company’s production capacities.

Machine expansion to increase capacities

The integration of these additional steel shears enables us to expand our capacities in a targeted manner and increase our efficiency. The implementation will enable us to increase our production capacity by up to 30% in the future. This expansion will enable us to react even more flexibly to market requirements and offer our customers an even better service.

Step towards sustainable packaging solutions

The focus of our new slitting line is not only on productivity, but also on sustainability. By using steel as the main material, we offer our customers a packaging solution that is not only durable and robust, but also 100% recyclable without any loss of quality. In this way, we are actively helping to reduce the ecological footprint of our industry and offer sustainable packaging solutions that protect our environment.

Focus on production and global expansion

Our commitment to growth and innovation knows no bounds. By expanding our capacity across the board and focusing on production and global expansion, we are ideally placed to meet the ever-changing demands of the market. We understand the importance of a fast and efficient supply chain and are continually investing in the expansion of our facilities to ensure that we remain market-leading producers of clip tape in the future.

As a leading provider of packaging solutions, we are committed to innovation and progress. We are proud to be expanding our capacity and look forward to continuing to provide our customers with high quality packaging solutions.

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